The Hermitage. Cats
Редактор: Жутовская Нина
Издательство: Арка, 2016 г.
Жанр: Нехудожественная литература на английском языке
Читает: Сточек Вячеслав Ксенофонтович
Верстка: Валейко Артур Юльевич
Размер архива: 151 MB
Длительность: 13 ч. 46 мин. 49 сек.
Формат: mp3, 128 КБ/с

Аннотация "The Hermitage. Cats"
Lives of cats and men intertwined long ago. People worshiped cats like gods, full of superstition they were afraid of feline luminous eyes in the dark, asked for their help in protecting houses from rodents and adored them as their best friends, while painters and sculptors could not help admiring cat's grace which they considered perfect.
The book gives a wide-ranging and detailed presentation of the "feline" exhibits in the Hermitage: Ancient Egyptian bronze, mediaeval European painting, Chinese and Japanese graphic art, Russian lubok prints of the 18th to 20th centuries, cats in the form of toys and much more. Скачать аудиокнигу The Hermitage. Cats.
